Major Features
Operating Environment
Report & Structure
Product & Service > Secuguard SSE > Major Features
Secuguard SSE uses an internal agent installed on the scan target to scan the system for known vulnerabilities and provides the user with remedies and additional information.
It allows the system to maintain a high level of security integrity.
 Major Features
Major Features Description
Architecture - Console/Agent architecture
Ease of Use - Windows Explorer style user interface
- Easy installation using Shell Script (UNIX) and InstallShield (Windows)
- Comprehensive online help and manual
Vulnerability Scan - Remote agent scans via network
- Scans multiple agents simultaneously
Data Encryption - Encryption of key for communications between the agent and console
- Encryption of the database file that stores the scan results
- Provides the description, impact, remedy, and references for the found
- Risk level is categorized into 5 levels (Very High, High, Normal, Low, Very Low)
- Provides reports that summarize the scan results
Update - Connects to the update server to update the scan modules
- Updates the scan modules on the scheduled timeト